Lake Region Healthcare started to use Suite Scheduler software for scheduling 350 employees in 13 departments in 2004. More recently we have expanded Suite Scheduler to the Dietary Department. I am able to put accurate and complete schedules together in a timely fashion. My job would require more time scheduling employees if I didn’t have Suite Scheduler!
We are a 100 bed acute care hospital with a clinic. Initially schedules were de-centralized and now we have moved to a centralized schedule and the staffing coordinator creates the schedule for multiple nursing departments. I have had few issues and rarely need to contact Suite Scheduler. The following info was received from Kathy Lehn – Former Staffing
Coordinator reported who was present with implementation: “The custom daily assignment sheet takes 5 minutes now and was previously compared to about ½-1 hour. The time to create schedules and manually working with the schedule took 612 hours. Our goal is to reduce that by at least 90% and we accomplished that.” “Before we had this software, it was time consuming to print the Department Schedules, there was a lot of stress due to manual counting and last minute changes. Now, by implementing the staffing profiles, Suite Scheduler does the counting for us, and those last minute changes are updated immediately with the central schedule.” Submitted by former Staffing Coordinator – Kathy Lehn.
When I do contact Suite Scheduler – they are very good about taking any calls, answering questions even on a Friday at 4:00p. Suite Scheduler is very receptive to enhancement requests. In fact, the most recent update had several enhancements included from my list. Suite Scheduler is great about taking suggestions and making them happen.”
Melissa Schearer, Staffing Coordinator
Lake Region Healthcare